
Are you able to do bulk orders?

Yes! Our wholesale pricing starts with 12 or more of the same design and size. Check out our wholesale page or contact us for more details.

How long will it take to get my order?

Processing times can vary, but we typically try to have items ship within 5 days. Shipping adds an additional 2-4 business days.

What shipping method do you use?

We ship using both USPS Priority shipping and UPS ground shipping. Typical shipping times are 2-4 business days.

Can I change my order?

We try our best to accommodate our customer’s wishes. If the item has not been engraved yet, we can adjust the design. However, if it has been engraved, we cannot accommodate such changes.

Do you offer local pickup?

Yes, we do offer local pickup from our facility in Leavenworth County, KS. Please message us to set up a pick up time.

Will you engrave items that I bring?

No, we do not offer this service.

Are you able to engrave in color?

No, we are not able to add color. The engraving process includes removing the layers of paint on the cup to reveal the stainless steel.